黃鈺芳 副教授

黃鈺芳 副教授 ( Associate Professor Huang Yu-Fang )



List of selected publications (2017-2023)

Alexander Waits*, CH Chang, Yu-Fang Huang, MS Tsai, JW Hou, PW Wang, CY Chen, CJ Hsieh, MT Wu, SL Wang, ML Chen. Income inequalities in exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals among pregnant women in Taiwan. Environmental Advances. .2023.12
HC Chen, CJ Tsai, Yu-Fang Huang*(Corresponding), CT Wu. Dietary risk assessment of benzophenone derivatives using bread consumption estimates in a Taiwanese population. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2023.9
PW Wang, Yu-Fang Huang*(co-corresponding), CH Wang, LJ Fang, ML Chen*. Prenatal to Preschool Exposure of Nonylphenol and Bisphenol A Exposure and Neurodevelopment in Young Children. Pediatrics & Neonatology.2023.8
Yu-Fang Huang, PL Liao, YJ Lin, SH Huang, YH Samuel Wu, CF Teng, DJ Yang. Assessment of various conditions for the simultaneous determination of US EPA and EU priority PAHs in coffee samples and their PAHs consumption risk. Food Research International.2023.5
KY Wu, CF Wu, YS Luo, YF Huang, SN Uang, YY Lee, SY Chiang. (2023, Jan). Study of Urinary
Mercapturic Acids as Biomarkers of Human Acrylonitrile Exposure. Toxicology Letters.

HC Chen, YF Huang, Chia-Sheng Hsieh, Yan-Jun-Liu (2022, Sep). Determination the trace-level
photoinitiators in juices and milk from various types of packages in Taiwan by micro-QuEChERS-based UPLC-MS/MS. Food Chemistry. MOST 108-2321-B-239-001.

YF Huang*, JJ Huang, XR Liu (2022, May). Development and Validation of Benzophenone Derivatives in Packaged Cereal-Based Foods by Solid–liquid Extraction and Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Foods. MOST 110-2621-M-239-001.第一、通訊作者

KW Liao, FC Chang, CH Chang, YF Huang, WH Pan, ML Chen (2022, Apr). Associating Acrylamide
Exposure with Dietary Pattern and Health Risk in the General Population of Taiwan. Food Chemistry. MOST107-2321-B-010-006.

YF Huang*, JP Chang, Hsin-Chang Chen, Xuan-Rui Liu (2022, Mar). Fish consumption is an indicator of exposure to benzophenone derivatives: a probabilistic risk assessment in Taiwanese population. Science of Total Environment. MOST 109-2621-m-239-001.第一、通訊作者

CH Chang, YA Tsai, YF Huang, MS Tsai, ML Chen* (2022, Feb). The sex-specific association of
prenatal phthalate exposure with low birth weight and small for gestational age: a nationwide survey by the Taiwan Maternal and Infant Cohort Study (TMICS). Science of Total Environment.

XR Liu, YF Huang*, JJ Huang (2022, Feb). Identification of Benzophenone Analogs in Rice Cereal
through Fast Pesticide Extraction and Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem
Mass Spectrometry. Foods. MOST 108-2321-B-239-001.通訊作者

ML Chen, CH Chen, YF Huang, HC Chen, JW Chang (2022, Jan). Cumulative Dietary Risk Assessment of Benzophenone-type Photoinitiators from packaged Foodstuffs. Foods. MOST 108-2321-B-239-001

YF Huang*, JP Chang, HC Chen, YM Huang (2021, Oct). Simultaneous trace analysis of 10
benzophenone-type ultraviolet filters in fish through liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Environmental Pollution. MOST 108-2621-M-239-002.第一、通訊作者

YF Huang*, JT Chien, HC Chen, XR Liu, JP Chang, JJ Huang (2021, Jun). Rapid determination of
benzophenone derivatives in cereals using FaPEx coupled with ultra–high-performance liquid
chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 29:287-302.
MOST 108-2321-B-239-001.第一、通訊作者

YF Huang, CH Chang, PJ Chen, IH Lin, YA Tsai, CF Chen, YC Wang, WY Huang, MS Tsai*, ML Chen*
(2021, Jun). Prenatal BPA exposure and DNA methylation on low birth weight. International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.第一作者

YF Huang*, YM Huang, HJ Lee (2020, Sep). Simultaneous Analysis of Seven Neonicotinoids in
Commercial Milk Samples Using an UHPLC-MS/MS Method. Applied Science, 2020, 10, 6775.
MOST 108-2813-C-239-042-M.第一、通訊作者

Chang CH, YF Huang, Wang PW, Lai CH, Huang LW, Chen HC, Chen M.L. (2019, Jul). Associations
between prenatal exposure to bisphenol A and neonatal outcomes in a Taiwanese cohort study:
mediated through oxidative stress? Chemosphere (226) 290-297. MOST

CH Chang, PW Wang, HW Liang, YF Huang, LW Huang, HC Chen, WC Pan, MH Lin, Winnie Yang, IF
Mao, Mei-Lien Chen (2019, Jun). The sex-specific association between maternal paraben exposure
and size at birth. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. MOST

YF Huang, CC Huang, ML Chen, SH Liou, Chensheng Alex Lu, SY Chiang, KY Wu (2018, Nov).
Feasibility of using urinary N7-(2-carbamoyl-2- hydroxyethyl) Guanine as a biomarker for
acrylamide exposed workers. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.第一

Quan Zhang, Ximing Wang, Zhe Li, Hangbiao Jin, Zhengbiao Lu, Chang Yu, YF Huang, Meirong Zhao
(2018, Sep). Simultaneous determination of nine neonicotinoids in human urine using
isotope-dilution ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry.
Environmental Pollution 240, 647-652.

YF Huang, PW Wang, LW Huang, MH Lin, W Yang, HC Chen, KP Yu, ML Chen (2018, Aug).
Interactive effects of nonylphenol and bisphenol A exposure with oxidative stress on fetal
reproductive indices. Environmental Research, 167, 567-574.第一作者

YF Huang, PW Wang, LW Huang, CH Lai, W Yang, KY Wu, Chensheng Lu, HC Chen, ML Chen (2017, May). Prenatal Nonylphenol and Bisphenol A Exposures and Inflammation Are Determinants of Oxidative/Nitrative Stress: A Taiwanese Cohort Study. Environmental Science Technology. MOST 104-2621-M-010-001.第一作者

YF Huang, WC Pan, YA Tsai, CH Chang, PJ Chen, YS Shao, MS Tsai, JW Hou, Chensheng Lu, ML Chen
(2017, Jul). Concurrent exposures to nonylphenol, bisphenol A, phthalates, and organophosphate
pesticides on birth outcomes: a cohort study in Taipei, Taiwan. Science of total Environment.

HW Liang, CH Chang, YF Huang, PW Wang, LW Huang, Winnie Yang, Mei-Lien Chen (2017). Biological monitoring of parabens in pregnant women and the health effects on newborns. Taiwan Journal of Public Health.