Full-time Faculty

Position TitleNameAcademic DegreesOffice/ Contact TelE-mailExpertise
Distinguished ProfessorYang, Chen-ChangDr.P.H., Department of Epidemiology (Pharmacoepidemiology Program), Harvard School of Public HealthRoom 309, Medical Building II+886-2-28267000, ext.7901+886-2-28765725ccyang@vghtpe.gov.tw
1. Clinical Toxicology 
2. Environmental and Occupational Medicine 
3. Safety of Chinese Herbs 
4. Toxicoepidemiology & Pharmacoepidemiology
Distinguished ProfessorChen, Mei-LienPh. D., National Taiwan University, TaiwanRoom 306, Medical Building II +886-2-28267000, ext. 7239mlchen7239@gmail.com
1. Air pollution and health risk assessment 
2. Environmental and occupational health 
3. Environmental hormone and health
ProfessorKou, Hsien-WenPh.D. Institute of Public Health. National Taiwan UniversityRoom 308, Medical Building II +886-2-28267000, ext. 7922hwkuo@nycu.edu.tw
1. Air pollution and health risk assessment 
2. Epidemiology of environmental and occupational health 
3. Healthy city and age-friendly city
ProfessorYu, Kuo-PinPh.D., Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, TaiwanRoom 311, Medical Building II +886-2-28267000, ext. 7933kpyu03@nycu.edu.tw1. Bioaerosols 
2. Indoor air quality 
3. Nanotechnology for indoor air pollution control
Professor and DirectorChi, Kai-HsienPh.D., Graduate Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Central University, TaiwanRoom 305, Medical Building II +886-2-28267000, ext. 7352khchi@nycu.edu.tw1. Environmental change and social effects of pollution 
2. Persistent organic pollutants analysis 
3. Sources apportionment of PM2.5 and dioxins
Associate ProfessorPan, Wen-ChiHarvard School of Public Health Doctor of ScienceRoom 307, Medical Building II +886-2-28267000, ext. 7057wenchipan@nycu.edu.tw
1. Environmental Epidemiology
2. Noise measurement and estimation 
3. Causal Mediation Analysis
Assistant ProfessorChang, Jung-WeiPh.D., Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, TaiwanRoom 310, Medical Building II +886-2-28267000, ext. 67948jungwei723@nycu.edu.tw
1. Environmental Occupational Health
2. Risk Assessment
3. Endocrine disruptor chemicals (Dioxin, PAEs and Parabens)
4. Environmental Epidemiology