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CHANG, jung-wei /Associate Professor
Highest Degree |
Ph.D., Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, National Cheng Kung University
Research Expertise |
Environmental and occupational health, Multi-media transmission modes and health risks, Emerging and persistent organic pollutants

HUANG Yu-Fang /Associate Professor
Highest Degree |
Ph.D., Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences,
National Yang-Ming University
Research Expertise |
Environmental and occupational health, Exposome and health, Mass spectrometry platform technology development and application

LEE Ming-Hsuan /Assistant Professor
Highest Degree |
Ph.D., Physics, Hong Kong Baptist University
Research Expertise |
Environmental sensing technology, Machine learning, Smart medicine

YANG, Chen-Chang /Distinguished Professor
Highest Degree |
Dr. P.H., Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health
Research Expertise |
Drug and toxic epidemiology, Clinical Toxicology, Environmental and occupational medicine

YU Kuo-Pin / Professor
Highest Degree |
Ph.D., Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Taiwan University
Research Expertise |
Environmental engineering, Indoor air quality, Environmental control for workplaces